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LambEx 2018 Recap

16 August 2018
LambEx 2018 Recap
AMPC had the opportunity to attend the 2018 LambEx conference in Perth last week, alongside our exhibition partners AMIC, MINTRAC and AUS-MEAT. It was great to work alongside these important industry bodies, sharing some of our research highlights and facilitating valuable conversations with AMPC and AMIC members about industry issues.

LambEx attracted almost 1000 delegates and 90 exhibitors, featuring a captivating program with key industry figures presenting on topics such as animal welfare, consumer trust, export and trade issues, and innovative agriculture technologies.

Celebrity chef Adrian Richardson, star of TV shows Good Chef, Bad Chef and Secret Meat Business and a huge advocate for the red meat industry, also appeared for AMPC at LambEx. Adrian entertained the crowd, demonstrating how to debone a lamb carcase, and serving up 3 different lamb dishes over the two days, including a delicious braised lamb shoulder and a rolled loin stew.

Adrian enthused about the superior flavour and quality of Australian lamb, as well as the skill and ability of Australian processors to deliver a highly consistent product, tailored to their customers’ needs, giving him the perfect ingredients to work his magic in the kitchen at his Melbourne restaurants. A big thanks also to MLA Executive Chef Sam Burke, who assisted in dishing out Adrian’s mouth-watering creations to many hungry patrons, and even cleaned up afterwards!

In addition to the LambEx program, delegates ad exhibitors were surprised by a last-minute appearance by the Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources, David Littleproud, who came to offer reassurance of his support for WA sheep producers. Attendees were also treated to a three-course lamb dinner sponsored by Australian Wool Innovation, including dessert: a vanilla and caramel honey cake with cinnamon ‘lamb floss’ created by Sam Burke and his team.

LambEx 2018 also provided the opportunity to catch up and consult with our members and major sponsors Fletcher International Exports, WAMMCO and V&V Walsh, and to speak with red meat industry representatives along the entire supply chain such as producers, retailers and consumers about how we can help shape the future of our industry. Our thanks to the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre, Ag Communicators, and LambEx Chair Bindi Murray for organising and holding an engaging and informative event. We look forward to being a part of LambEx 2020.


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