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AMPC board response to DEXA rollout

27 July 2017
AMPC board response to DEXA rollout
  • Red Meat Industry comes together for whole supply chain benefit;
  • AMPC Board supports the MLA's unprecedented industry initiative of "industry-wide accelerated roll out" of DEXA technology (DEXA150).

On Tuesday, the AMPC Board sat at its scheduled board meeting where one of its tasks was to formerly consider the written request by the Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) to support their ambitious project and to jointly fund the proposed $150 million plan for the "accelerated roll out of DEXA technology" to interested AUS-MEAT accredited red meat processing plants. 

In its capacity as the red meat industry research and marketing body and donor company, the AMPC Board of directors were unanimous in their support of the proposal, commending the MLA for their boldness in bringing this plan to consideration for the whole of industry benefit. The Board recognised that this is a project of unprecedented scope in the wider Australia Agricultural Research and Development Corporation's history and were mindful of the thoughtful and prudent nature of the decision making required.

The AMPC Board stated that it was materially satisfied that there is potentially significant benefts available to industry in the form of research coming from objective carcase measurement (OCM) data feedback and potential benefits in production efficiencies in members processing plants.

The board also recognised the wider industry calls in support of these beneficial outcomes.

Immediately, the AMPC Board have approved that its 'RMI Processor PIP funds' be made available for individual 'opt-in' DEXA unit funding, However, they do stipulate (as an important proviso and echoed by industry calls) that the corresponding aggregated data that will be collected and stored by the MLA: be for research purposes only and that the data be made accessible to industry for research purposes.

In the ensuing time since the AMPC received the written request from MLA referring to the $150 million figure, the Board also considered feedback from recent industry meeting called by the OM taskforce and ALMTech. Subsequently, the Board have determined that the apparent number of plants willing to 'opt-in' and the corresponding funding in question were still very fluid and as such the AMPC Board decided that greater clarity was required before finalising the exact extent of its specific commitment.

In light of this, the Board has affirmed its support for the newly formed RMI OM Taskforce lead by industry expert Mr Gary Burridge. The taskforce that also includes a number of key red meat processing industry figures:

  • Dr. Graham Gardiner of Murdoch University;
  • Red Meat Industry Peak Council representatives (includng nominee's from SCA, CCA, GMC, AMIC & ALFA);
  • Major industry players from both Teys Cargill JV and JBS; and
  • Respective representatives from RDC's being both MLA & AMPC.

The AMPC Board also approved to jointly co-fund with the MLA, the OM Taskforce request for an independent review on the plant per plant costings associated with the DEXA implementation. This review will be conducted by an engineering company, that will survey a minimum of 60 of the AUS-MEAT accredited processing sited who are wanting to 'opt-in'. The engineering company's surveying is to be overseen by Gary Burridge, supported by Chris Ruberg from MLA and Brad Mathers from AMPC. This work is expected to be completed over the next three months and a full report will be provided to the OM Taskforce, MLA and AMPC at its completion.

The AMPC Board was also supportive of the MLA's request for the AMPC to co-fund the CT scanning equipment to be used by AUS-MEAT for the standardised calibration of the installed DEXA units and suggested that this costing proposal should be included in the OM Taskforce's considerations.

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