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2025 More to Meat update

20 February 2025
2025 More to Meat update

AMPC’s More to Meat campaign continues to gain momentum in 2025. Now in its third year, the campaign has been influential in building support for the red meat processing industry and in driving awareness of its significant contribution to jobs and the economy in regional Australia. 
Since its launch, the campaign has travelled the nation visiting processors and their local communities, promoting the role processors play in sustaining local jobs, supporting local economies, and keeping local communities thriving, which are the key messages for Phase 3 of the campaign. 

Key highlights from our More to Meat campaign include:

  • The campaign has reached 600,000+ views via the More to Meat YouTube channel, with each video spreading awareness about how essential the red meat processing industry is to our daily lives.
  • Phase 3 has so far produced three state-scale media drives that have showcased AMPC’s Industry Insights Report, highlighted the inaugural Parliamentary Friends of Red Meat event and celebrated local processors on Australia Day. These releases were widely syndicated and featured in Farm Online, Farm Weekly, North Queensland Register, Queensland Country Life, Stock & Land, Stock Journal and The Land.
  • AMPC held a highly successful Parliamentary Friends of Red Meat event at Parliament House in Canberra, building support for the campaign with key government decisionmakers including the Hon Julie Collins MP, the Hon Milton Dick MP, Senator Susan McDonald, Tony Pasin MP, Andrew Wilcox MP, and Kevin Hogan.
  • The campaign has accrued over 6,000 followers who subscribe to the More to Meat Facebook, helping to share our important messages.
  • Kilcoy, Queensland was labelled ‘Australia’s meatiest town’ in recognition of its expanding population of local red meat processors.

Our campaign continues to be a led by research, ensuring the campaign remains salient and fit for purpose. Advertising for Phase 3 of the campaign will continue in selected regional communities, and will reach new metropolitan audiences. 

The campaign will feature on regional television networks, with accompanying activations across YouTube, Facebook, regional radio and local community billboards all beginning in March 2025.

To support the campaign in its third phase, AMPC members are invited to ‘follow’ the More to Meat Facebook page here, or register on the More to Meat website to receive regular campaign updates.

If you who would like to get involved with More to Meat, please email AMPC Extension and Adoption Manager David Carew at