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2022 Science and innovation awards - applications now open

29 August 2021
2022 Science and innovation awards - applications now open

Investing in future-ready agriculture, fisheries, forestry and emerging industries is the goal behind the 2022 Science and Innovation Awards for Young People in Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.

AMPC is proud to be a partner of the Science and Innovation Awards, providing a $22,000 grant in the red meat processing category. Grants are available to 18–35year-olds who are working or studying in agriculture or a related field, with a project that will contribute to the ongoing success and sustainability of Australia’s diverse and resilient primary industries.

The Science Awards are an open competitive grants program designed to attract innovative projects that will tackle key issues in agriculture and boost the early-career development for researchers, scientists and other innovators in the sector. Applications for the 2022 round are now open.

Since its inception in 2001, the Science and Innovation Awards have provided more than $4.4 million in grants to 272 young innovators to undertake 12-month long projects.

Young ag innovators like Fraser Border from Queensland won the APMC sponsored award in 2021 for his project which looked at novel visualisation technologies to improve workforce flexibility and reduce yield losses in high value meat processing tasks.

Fraser’s project was so impressive he received additional funding to extend his project as the recipient of the Minister for Agriculture and Northern Australia’s Award which all category winners can apply for.

Applications for the 2022 round are now open and close at 5pm AEST Friday 1 October 2021.

For information and to apply visit

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