Aggregated waste to energy (W2E)

12 October 2020
Focus area: Waste
Program stream: Sustainability
Project number: 2020-1006
This project aimed to explore how red meat processors can aggregate localised bio-wastes to help make distributed Waste to Energy (W2E) facilities more feasible in regional locations.

A tool (at the top right of this page) was created for members to help quickly assess Aggregated Waste to Energy scenarios. Based on plant throughput, it rapidly determines the typical tonnes per week of different waste stream materials that could be utilised in W2E systems, i.e. paunch, aerobic pond sludge, dissolved air flotation (DAF) sludge, screenings, plastics, cardboard/paper and cafeteria wastes.
Previous in this focus area 15 September 2023 Feasibility study for a refuse derived fuel created from paunch, biosolids and construction and demolition waste Next in this focus area 17 July 2020 Renewable hydrogen (H2) cost-benefit analysis for Australian red meat processors